About Us

Eden Ecosystems is dedicated to bringing the best tasting foods to your table.  Our premier offering is the Kipos. This hydroponic garden was built with the intention of being the “APPLE” of it’s category – in other words, a technological marvel that not only outperforms, but looks fantastic.

Our team is also very concerned about the environment in which we bring up our children.  We’ve made the Kipos easy enough for kids to use. Afterall, we’ve found that if you allow your children to choose and grow their veggies, they’re more likely to eat them.

And since you’re growing your own veggies, by using our products, you are supporting non GMO foods, reducing the carbon footprint it takes to bring the veggies to market and then into your home, and you’re using up to 50% less resources than traditional farming.

Designing and building our product makes us feel good.  Using our product will make you feel good.